Place Names Committee

Membership and meetings

The Place Names Committee (the Committee) for the Northern Territory is established under section 5 of the Place Names Act 1967.

Research and administrative support for the Committee is provided by the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics.


The Committee has 4 members that are appointed by the Minister for Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics.

Below are the current members of the Committee.

Position Name Representation
Chairperson Christine Hart Community based member
Member Richard Creswick Community based member
Member Ralph Blyth Local Government Association of the NT
Member Robert Sarib Surveyor-General - ex-officio Member

Committee meeting dates

Meetings of the Committee are scheduled 4 times a year.

Below are the upcoming meeting dates.

Meeting dateSubmissions closing date

Due to the high volume of submissions received, there is no guarantee that submissions received before the closing date will be considered at the next Committee meeting.

To support the Department to assess your submission promptly, make sure your submission aligns with the guidelines for NT Place Naming and attach all supporting documents, including evidence of consultation with required interested persons.

Incomplete submissions and complex submissions may require additional time for assessment. The Committee may meet outside of the scheduled meetings to consider submissions.

If you would like to discuss consideration options, contact us.